Food for Thoughts

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you to everywhere.

When the impossibility has been eliminated, whatever improbable remains... is possible.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.

Lười biếng, hời hợt và dễ dãi là ba thứ giết chết tài năng.

Feb 22, 2007


Oh la la, Hi Guys!
For not very often do I make an entry, and only on some SPECIAL occasions that I find interesting. I'm not gonna write any silly kinda diaries.
Are you curious about the title? Say "yes", because I'm saying more clearly. More than a month ago, there were two dogs in my house - male & female ones. I was so careless letting them "beside" that day. Then...then... (You know it for now! ) THEY GOT A PUB!!! = = (accidentally of course). Yikes!
And on January 15, 2007 (just a week after my DOB) something was born- the Pub. We named it "XUC XICH" (Sausage) . Sounds cool huh? . It was the "result" of my carelessness , but thanks God, it's so CUTE! that people make compliments with a non-stops non-hits streak as they visit my house. (woo!)
OK then, enough for stupid texts and typing. Vietnamese say: "Tram nghe khong bang mot thay" (Better to see than to hear), so, let's enjoy it on PICS! (yahoo!) (taken 4 days ago)
No 1.: "Feeding Process" (Pro!)
No.2: Inside a pressure-cooker 1 (such a naive pub) (doesn't it look stupid?)
No.3: Inside a pressure-cooker 2 (calling for Mama) (CUTE!)
No.4: (last one) Inside a pressure-cooker 3 (My pub....zzz )
OK, that's all for today! Comment as you're pleased with such a GREAT entry for such a CUTE pub (Isn't it? )
Thanks for taking your time!
Luan LAM LU~

Is it CUTE? :D

Yeah, Really!!! I'd like to have one! :)


Yup! Haven't seen such! :)


Both above (!) =)


No. MINE's cuter (still cute but just only GREEDY) :|


No. Not at ALL (who sucks?) (you!) :(




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♥ Kelly ♥ said...

chú cún na)`m trong ci' nôi`
iu woa'

Luan said...

de thuong hok? :D co nhieu nguoi doi nuoi lam do! :x

.::[Miter][C3T]::. said...

hihi, de^~ xu*o*ng we' Lua^n ui

Luan said...

Uhm thanks BAP' MU nhiu` nhiu` ^^ gio` con nay` cung~ to ra roi`. Tinh' mot' dem vo truong` choi he'he' :D

:)Wassup,Bưởi?((^_^)) ♀♥♂---♂♥♀ said...

nhi`n ma^'y con cho' de xuong thie^.t, nhi`n tha^'y la` mu'n o^m ru`i!!!!!

Bắp Cải ^^ said...

your dog is kute!!! and your English is very good! r u studying English as your specialization????

Bắp Cải ^^ said...

wow. sorry 4 the comment above. I hadnt known u've been working, not studying like me!!! :D:D:D really sorry 4 that!!! hiz. how can u know many languages like that????? :-/

Luan said...

No no no Franky, I'm just 15 yrs old! ^^ Im working for them through the internet! Thanks for your comments! CHELSEA 4EVAR!! :D

Teresa Katherine said...

Kawai ^_^. Bong~ nhien nho' con cho' cu~ qua' T_T

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