Food for Thoughts
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you to everywhere.
When the impossibility has been eliminated, whatever improbable remains... is possible.
So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.
Lười biếng, hời hợt và dễ dãi là ba thứ giết chết tài năng.

Oh la la, Hi Guys! 
For not very often do I make an entry, and only on some SPECIAL occasions that I find interesting. I'm not gonna write any silly kinda diaries. 
Are you curious about the title? Say "yes", because I'm saying more clearly. More than a month ago, there were two dogs in my house - male & female ones.
I was so careless letting them "beside" that day
. Then...then...
(You know it for now!
) THEY GOT A PUB!!! = = (accidentally of course). Yikes! 

And on January 15, 2007 (just a week after my DOB)
something was born- the Pub. We named it "XUC XICH" (Sausage)
. Sounds cool huh?
. It was the "result" of my carelessness
, but thanks God, it's so CUTE! 

that people make compliments with a non-stops non-hits streak as they visit my house.
(woo!) OK then, enough for stupid texts and typing. Vietnamese say: "Tram nghe khong bang mot thay" (Better to see
than to hear
), so, let's enjoy it on PICS! (yahoo!) 
(taken 4 days ago) No 1.: "Feeding Process" (Pro!)

No.2: Inside a pressure-cooker 1 (such a naive pub)
(doesn't it look stupid?) 
No.3: Inside a pressure-cooker 2 (calling for Mama) 
No.4: (last one) Inside a pressure-cooker 3 (My pub....zzz
OK, that's all for today! Comment as you're pleased with such a GREAT entry for such a CUTE pub (Isn't it?
Thanks for taking your time! 
Luan LAM LU~
Is it CUTE? :D
- Yeah, Really!!! I'd like to have one! :)
- 8
- Yup! Haven't seen such! :)
- 0
- Both above (!) =)
- 3
- No. MINE's cuter (still cute but just only GREEDY) :|
- 0
- No. Not at ALL (who sucks?) (you!) :(
- 0
- 0
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Chao moi nguoi!
Moi nguoi co thay 3 chu HEO ke ben?

Vay thi, dieu do co nghia la gi vay? Tra loi: nghia la HEO! (what the HELL?)
Dung vay! Tet ta nam nay cua minh theo At Giap la nam Dinh Hoi, tuc la nam con Heo, vi the to lam tam thiep nay lay chu de con Heo de gui moi nguoi doi dieu muon noi.
Ma nay, hong phai gio len lop gap giao su Luan ma moi nguoi phai nghe "thuyet giao" dau! Hong phai! Don gian hon, nguoi ta goi do la LOI CHUC ay ma!
Dau tien, Luan chuc moi nguoi "HAY AN CHONG LON" cai da. Suc khoe doi dao, at cai gi lam cung duoc, hoc ung tot ma "choi" cung het ba ga luon! Co thay con Heo dang cu ta hong ne? Con nguoi ma khong lam duoc thi con thua con Heo nua do! 
Hai la, chuc moi nguoi luon la NGUOI HANH PHUC, khong biet buon phien la gi, cai gi minh coi la "cu`lan`" thi minh hong so
. Dung khoc dung gian ai nao do moi nguoi oi! Hay la nguoi luon tuoi cuoi, nhu...Luan chang han!
(ai thay to STRESS bao gio thi di chet di--->sorry ^^
) Ba la, hoc hanh tan toi, "lam an" tien bo, nhin chung thi y Luan la "thanh cong & thanh cong". Con Heo la bieu tuong cua su tru phu mau mo va la mot tam guong xan lang. Moi nguoi co thay no map i hong? So di la vi no thanh cong trong viec tu vo beo no do thoi! Mot nam day ap THANH CONG se den voi nhung ai cham chi va co gang! 

Nua la, cau cho moi nguoi nhung su rui ro, xui xeo (i e!
) se tan bien di mai mai va khong bao gio de lai bat ki mot "vet tich thoi gian" nao het. Hay luon LAC QUAN & YEU DOI YEU NGUOI ban nhe nhe! 

Cuoi cung la, (hic cha muon "Cuoi cung" dau 

), chuc cho moi nguoi ma ban thuong yeu, la gia dinh ne, la ban be cua ban ne (co to a nha), la nguoi-duoc-ban-quan-tam-dac-biet va moi nguoi nua tren the gian nay nhung dieu tuong tu (di nhien la tru khoang "HAY AN CHONG LON" neu la nguoi lon ^^)

Vay do! Chuc moi nguoi NAM MOI DZUI DZE, VAN SU NHU Y, TAN TAI TAN LOC nha (tien li xi ne, tien tieu vat ne...du xai hehe ^^V
Cam on moi nguoi da doc entry nay. Va hay cam on to di, vi da dem lai VAN MAY dau nam cho moi nguoi. Comment nao! :D
Ban co thay loi chuc cua minh the nao? :D
- Y nghia nhung hok dzui
- 0
- Dzui dzui nhung hok y nghia
- 0
- Ca hai (!??)
- 6
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