Food for Thoughts

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you to everywhere.

When the impossibility has been eliminated, whatever improbable remains... is possible.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.

Lười biếng, hời hợt và dễ dãi là ba thứ giết chết tài năng.

Apr 16, 2007


Chao nguoi anh em Chelski cua Lamlu~!

Hom mo Lamlu~ cau^ qua friendlist cua mot nguoi ban cua Lamlu~ thi phat hien ra mot nick cua mot ban Chelski. Minh rat vui.

Dot nhien kham pha them friendlist cua ban do minh lai phat hien MOT CONG DONG CHELSKI dang hien huu trong do, voi vo so nhung avatar cua CHELSEA FC, ,cua JOSE MOURINHO, cua FRANK LAMPARD, cua JOE COLE, cua SHEVA, cua BALLACK...Frank Lamlu~ vo cung "xuc dong day", vi sao the? That kho tim duoc mot CHELSKI trong cai the gioi "hon don" mau do qui du cua cac MANCULIANs. Moi khi gap duoc mot CHELSKI trong bat ki mot tinh huong giao tiep xa hoi nao Lamlu~ cung cam thay rat hanh phuc, vi biet rang co nguoi van chia se voi minh!

Cam on cac ban Chelski da dem lai cho Lamlu~ nhieu nhieu niem vui trong dip weekend vua roi, va hon nua la CHIEN THANG BAN LINH CUA CHELSEA TRUOC BLACKBURNS DEM QUA! Khi thay Chelsea chie ndau, Lamlu~ nhu hoa vao khong khi chung cua toan doi, va cung la khong khi chung cua cac CHELSKI chung ta.

Du la gi di nua, CHUNG TA MAI LA NHA VO DICH, hoi cac ae CHELSKI than men!

Cam on cac ban!

PS: Minh se tam thoi gac' chuyen blog sang mot ben de tap trung thi cu. cac Chelki cu comment cho minh nha! Chuc cac ban mot ngay moi tot lanh, chuc Chelsea FC cua chung ta mai bay cao.

Chelski oi, ban co thay cam xuc cua minh trong bai viet nay khong?





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